Of many days....

by 1:37 PM 0 comments
28th December - The Birth-date of my beloved Asheila, but also known as the day we got together 'officially', per say. And today's the day that I believe deserves an entry in this dusty underused blog.

Time really flies. We've been together for a year now. Didn't even feel it. Well, here's an ode to her.

Of many days stated,
Today's one of sacred,
Of two hearts being sated,
After an annual of dated,

Today's an auspicious day,
To celebrate passing of dismay,
To strive for all but fray,
To say to you - Happy Birthday!

A year we've built our love,
Whilst slowly building our cove,
Here's a wish for luck to clove -
As to all ordeals we shove.

I toast for our future,
All wounds we'll suture,
Nur Asheila - I'll never disparage,
Till time ends beyond our marriage.

I love you.

To Us.



Hello. I write poems for Nur Asheila. My future wife. My lover..


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